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6617 products found
SKUProduct name Price  
N-apio002 Applique - Black Suede Star on Gingham - Iron-on Patch
  • $0.50
Sorry, we only have 178 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 178 of that item available
N-apio003 Applique - Pink Heart on gingham base
  • $0.50
Sorry, we only have 162 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 162 of that item available
N-SWC-SanFran Sewing Workshop Collection - San Francisco Coat Only 7 left in stock
  • $22.95
Sorry, we only have 7 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 7 of that item available
N-microvacuum Notion - Micro Vacuum Attachment Kit
  • $16.99
Sorry, we only have 91 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 91 of that item available
D-FFCLNR Forcefield Fabric Cleaner
  • $12.99
Sorry, we only have 199 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 199 of that item available
WS-ComexRibbons288 Wholesale Comex Assorted Packaged Ribbons-288 - 3/16in-1/2in
  • 88% less
    • 88% less
  • $35.00
Sorry, we only have 1 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 1 of that item available
SR-metr- r Sewing Thread - Mettler Metrosene Thread
  • $3.80
YKK-inv-09-801 YKK Invisible Zippers - 9 inch in several colors
  • $2.39
N-SAF-T-Pockets 2000 SAF-T-POCKETS Travelwear #2000, Town & Country
  • $17.00
N-DanaMarie1007 Dana Marie Sewing Pattern #1007 - Kimono Jacket & Vest
  • $17.00