Chicago Sports Team Polar Fleece

Vogue Fabrics now carries polar fleece fabric for Da Chicago Sports Teams; Chicago Bears Polar Fleece, Chicago Cubs Polar Fleece, Chicago White Sox Polar Fleece, Chicago Bulls Polar Fleece, and Northwestern University Wildcats Polar Fleece. So stock up for the cold windy city winters and make tie blankets (Da Bears on one side and Da Cubbies on da othder), jackets, throws, and othder stuff to keeps yous warm. Go Bears!!! (Pronounced: Da Bare_e_ears!!)
SKUProduct name Price  
MR-CubsFleece-6612 Chicago Cubs Fabric - Polar Fleece Plaid #6612***DISCONTINUED***
  • $13.99
  • / yard
MR-CubsFleece-6567-B Chicago Cubs Fabric - Polar Fleece #6567-B
  • $13.99
  • / yard
MR-BearsFleece-6411 Chicago Bears - Plaid Polar Fleece #6411
  • $13.99
  • / yard
MR-BullsPlaidFleece-82CHI00005A Chicago Sports Fleece - Bulls Plaid #82CHI00005A
  • $13.99
  • / yard