Upholstery Webbing

Upholstery Webbing helps stabilize your deck and base. We offer jute webbing, Pirelli rubber webbing, and a heavy duty elastic webbing - all made for home decorating applications.
SKUProduct name Price  
UP-WebStretcher Upholstery Hardware Webbing Stretcher
  • $31.80
UP-JuteWebbing Upholstery Hardware Jute Webbing
  • $1.50
Sorry, we only have 67 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 67 of that item available
UP-RWebClips Metal Clips for Upholstery Webbing - 2 clips - 2inch wide
  • $2.25
Sorry, we only have 894 of that item available
Sorry, we only have 894 of that item available