Clover Felting Needle Mat (Large) #8911

        Clover Felting Needle Mat (Large) #8911

        Clover Felting Needle Mat (Large) #8911.  Use the small Felting Needle Mat with the Felting Needle Tool (sold separately) to apply medium and large appliques to fabrics. Ideal for large fancywork pieces like sweaters and mufflers. Priced per package.

        Not rated yet
        Minimum purchase quantity:1 units
        • $20.50

        Clover Felting Needle Mat (Large) #8911.  Use the small Felting Needle Mat with the Felting Needle Tool (sold separately) to apply medium and large appliques to fabrics. Ideal for large fancywork pieces like sweaters and mufflers. Priced per package.

          • SKU
          • Weight
            0.6500 lbs
        • Width
          Measures: 3 1/4" x 5".
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